Our Mission

Provide all healthcare professionals with an intuitive platform to analyze and dissect data that will enable them to improve the care they provide to patients.

Our Vision

Predictive analytics built on the backbone of this platform will revolutionize patient care and healthcare processes.

QuerKey at a Glance

QuerKey allows users to connect directly to any EHR and extract meaningful data through self-developed reports and generate intelligent visualizations in real-time, enabling seamless business process enhancements, billing reconciliations, and insights around historical patient outcomes.

EHR Database

External Claims

Medical Imaging

Actionable Intelligence

Preventive Care Predictive Analytics

Self-service Visualization

Key Product Features

Machine learning and artificial intelligence driven insights

Ability to add to user created reports to reduce duplication and drive community collaboration.

On-premises or cloud infrastructure enabled

Single click reporting and visualizations

Compatibility with existing visualization tools (Tableau, PowerBI, QlikView, Google Analytics, and more)

Patient-safety indicators and revenue stream management

Instant Benefits

NLP/AI assisted self-service analytics at users fingertips

Ability to improve on CMS, PSI, MIPS, and MACRA measures

Less dependency on human capital

80% faster turnaround time to structured and meaningful data

Time savings around analytics requests

Assist in real-time clinical decision support to augment patient care decision making for clinicians

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